Project Management Academic Rankings

We start all of our rankings by consulting the highest possible accreditation standards in a discipline and looking at every degree of the type being considered. We then narrow down our selections with a number of time-tested metrics that matter most to online (and often non-traditional learners). We understand that many students pursuing project management education are in the middle of their careers, or if they aren't, are looking to jump right into the work force and make their mark. For this reason all of our rankings include not only admissions standards, but how accomodating programs are to non-traditional learners. We direct our rankings towards quality flexible programs through monitoring program features that allow students to accelerate their degrees, slow them down, bypass subjects they already have experience with, and provide a number of specialization areas. With that said, we also make sure to align our ranking picks with industry expectations, academic quality, and selectivity data. If you're interested in how we've compiled one of our rankings below, we've included more detailed descriptions of our ranking process on each ranking, or you can contact us with questions of your own.

Undergraduate Degrees

While project managers can come from other academic disciplines, traditionally a bachelor's in project management is the entry-level degree for aspiring project managers. We've combed through all online bachelor's in project management to seek out the best degree programs on offer in America today.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of reasons why one could benefit from a bachelor's degree in project management. For current managers who have managed to work their way into a project management role without a baccelaureate degree, obtaining a bachelor's in project management can help to legitimize moving further up the managerial ladder. For current or future students who love planning, communication, and conceptualizing ways to track and enhance progress, a project management degree can be one of the fastest ways into a project management role out of college. Whatever your reason, we've looked at all of the best online project management degrees in the nation and pushed them through a rigorous ranking methodology.
While some students take to online learning more naturally than others, contemporary project managers will find themselves spending a great deal of time in technology-aided settings and online interfaces. In preperation, there's really no better route than taking courses online, learning to collaborate with peers, track responsibilities, and self-motivate in online settings. To these aims there's really no better time to start working in online settings than before your employment as a project management.
While methodologies vary slightly between our rankings at Project Management Degrees, we approach each ranking with the same time-honed principles for choosing quality project management programs. We realize that many students of project management programs are not traditional students and are often balancing work, life, and other responsibilities with their schoolwork. To present the best degree options for such students, we take a look at elements in each program that increase flexibility for students, as well as the support services for all (as well as non-traditional) students. Furthermore we look at more 'traditional' metrics including acceptance rates for the program (selectivity), class sizes, retention rates, graduation rates, and the subjects that are covered in the program. For more in-depth information on how each ranking is created, make sure to check out the ranking you're wondering about. On each is posted a detailed ranking methodology section.

Graduate Rankings

While project managers can come from other academic disciplines, traditionally a bachelor's in project management is the entry-level degree for aspiring project managers. We've combed through all online bachelor's in project management to seek out the best degree programs on offer in America today.

While project managers can come from other academic disciplines, traditionally a bachelor's in project management is the entry-level degree for aspiring project managers. We've combed through all online bachelor's in project management to seek out the best degree programs on offer in America today.

While project managers can come from other academic disciplines, traditionally a bachelor's in project management is the entry-level degree for aspiring project managers. We've combed through all online bachelor's in project management to seek out the best degree programs on offer in America today.

Graduate degrees in project management are often attended by current project managers who are currently employed fulltime. With this in mind, project management degree programs have long sought to make their programming as accesible and accomodating as possible. Two of the most common ways in which such programs have done this is through offering degrees online and allowing students to graduate faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Graduate degrees are the creme de la creme of project management degrees. Whether a master's in project management, a graduate certificate, or a master's in business administration with a project management focus, graduate project management degrees are in high demand in most major corporations. Even for potential students already holding a bachelor's in project management, master's degrees in business are expected in many corporations for those seeking to move higher into management. Many gradaute degrees can also be obtained relatively quickly. With some MBAs only requiring a year of study and offering a world of opportunity.
Graduate business and project management degrees were the original testing ground for online education, more than 20 years ago. Graduate business students are often working full time in their chosen field and seeking to fit learning into their already busy lives. Since the beggining of online business degrees, degree support and learning tools have only gotten better. So too has the range of prestigious and well-regarded business departments offering degrees fully online.
While methodologies vary slightly between our rankings at Project Management Degrees, we approach each ranking with the same time-honed principles for choosing quality project management programs. We realize that many students of project management programs are not traditional students and are often balancing work, life, and other responsibilities with their schoolwork. To present the best degree options for such students, we take a look at elements in each program that increase flexibility for students, as well as the support services for all (as well as non-traditional) students. Furthermore we look at more 'traditional' metrics including acceptance rates for the program (selectivity), class sizes, retention rates, graduation rates, and the subjects that are covered in the program. For more in-depth information on how each ranking is created, make sure to check out the ranking you're wondering about. On each is posted a detailed ranking methodology section.